报告题目:Catalytic Method Development to Promote Economy in Chemical Synthesis
报告人:赵宇 教授
报告时间:10月9日(星期五)10:00-11:00 & 15:00-17:00
会议ID:141 652 851
邀请人:于海东 教授
Despite decades of development in organic synthetic methodology, the efficiency and economy of chemical synthesis still have much room for improvement. Due to the vital importance of chirality in pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries, how to prepare enantioenriched chiral compounds using economical catalytic methods remains an important goal in organic chemistry research. Our group has been devoted to the development of catalytic, redox-neutral cascade reactions to prepare chiral compounds with high efficiency and stereoselectivity. These methods utilize readily available racemic starting materials and achieve stereoconvergent preparation of valuable chiral compounds. As these methods require no use of stoichiometric oxidants or reductants and generate no waste except water, they are considered to highly attractive atom- and step-economical processes and may find wide application in industrial scale synthesis. Based on this rationale, our group has developed a series of catalytic methods to construct C-N and C-C bonds, with application to heterocycle synthesis.

赵宇教授,2002年获得北京大学化学系学士学位,期间在齐利民教授的指导下进行表面化学的研究,同年去波士顿大学深造,在Marc L. Snapper教授和Amir H. Hoveyda教授的指导下于2008年获得有机化学博士学位。之后,在麻省理工学院与诺贝尔奖获得者Richard R. Schrock教授一起开展金属有机化学领域的博士后研究。2011年获得著名的新加坡NRF基金,受聘加入新加坡国立大学化学系担任助理教授,2017年7月晋升为副教授。赵宇教授在新加坡国立大学主要研究促进可持续化学合成的高效催化法,以及在医学、材料科学方面的应用。迄今已发表50余篇学术论文,研究成果获得包括“Thieme Chemistry Journal Award”(2016)”和合成化学领域”Tokyo Chemical Industry-SNIC Industry Award”(2018)在内的众多著名奖项。